Free To A Good Home

Free To A Good Home

On Many occasions in our travels around New Zealand and also in many other parts of the world, we often happen across projects and dreams that will obviously never become a reality for the owner or owners. We have all seen them ! and often life just throws in a few "Curveballs"!

Possibly there are family, financial or other issues that crop up and the well intended Restoration or "Fix-Up" never occurs.
And then the years go by, and the project Decays.

So "FREE TO A GOOD HOME" is there! Created to give people a place where upon realisation, they are never going to "get around" to actually achieving the finished result of the project. They can "Gift" or "Give Away" the forlorn item to someone else, who may take it on and bring it back to life !!

One mans/womans rubbish is another mans/womans TREASURE