Restorations, Projects & Histories

Restorations, Projects & Histories

We have developed this section of the site for enthusiasts who would like to "Showcase" the Restorations and Projects that they are currently working on in their backyards, lean-to's, garages, sheds, barns, and some even have warehouses Full.

In our travels around New Zealand, we have noted that there is a thriving tribe of industrious people beavering away at an extremely varied range of restoration projects. So here we provide a space for these people to brush off the dust..............or not, as the case be, and show the rest of the country what they have been working on.

Some just do this as a part-time hobby and for others, it is a Full Blown addiction. The owners of these projects may also make available an insight into what their intentions are going forward and possibly a little history if that is known.

Note: This section is for Showcase purposes only. Please do not add any pricing to your project or we will remove it. Thanks.